Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why are my period so short?

My periods for the finishing year or so have be heavy-ish but very short (sometimes single 2-3 days). Why is this? I'm worried I have PCOS as I fit some of the symptoms.
Any suggestion gratefully received!
I'm 29, nearly 30 in reality!Why are my period so short?
Don't complain...if you have be to the doc and have have yearly exams...and everything checks out should be apposite...I had that same alteration...
My doctors used to always explain to me it was endometriosis. Don't consent to surgery, unless it's really really required.
Have you seen a Dr.? If you haven't you should if your not awareness like your self.
Everyone can fluctuate mine are short too at the most 4 days. But if your really worried the best person to speak to would be somebody who is trained in these things doctor etc. And ask for test to be done to put your mind at rest.
i dont know but your lucky!!
I don't really know, but if you are really worried maybe your doctor can put your mind at rest.
Also, jill_fan69, you are an ***hole. if you're not going to comfort, then don't voice anything at all.
mine with the sole purpose last 4 days next to them being rather heavy on the second daytime. if you are still worried i would go and see your doctor.
mine are other like that, they usually ending 2-3 days 4 tops (:
I am 30, and I have have periods that closing 1 day for times gone by 3 years. When I was within the Army, they told me it was endometriosis. I did not enjoy surgury to fix it, as they would not pay. I usually hurt really unpromising right before and right after. If it is bothering you, I would be in motion and have them check you out. I have to have an outpatient lapo done for them to see it and relay me which side it was on. Hope you can return with some relief somehwere! It is not other 'lucky' to have short period.

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