Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where do they inject this shot?

I'm 12 and I'm supposed to be getting a TDap shot. That's not like injected surrounded by your tushy right? It's your arm right. And also...I'm getting a check-up. What do they do in a check-up. The don't formulate you like move up up your shirt or anything right?Where do they inject this shot?
They inject his shot into either the arm or thigh, so don't verbs.
And with a check-up, they will single do things like look into your eyes, ears, snout, and throat, check blood pressure, and check your reflexes within the legs. They won't be seeing anything that's covered by your clothing :)

Good luck :D
my ex girlfreind got the tdap shot and the give it to her in her butt cheek.
Not sure but your tush wouldn't be the first one see at your age. Just try to think of something else while waiting for it and most of the time you'll almost not feel it.
If you walk for a check up wear an undershirt under your clothes because they might tolerate you keep that on. It depends on the doctor and what they're checking for.

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